POST-CONSUMER ECONOMY & New Societal Structure

As the existing cultural paradigms diminish, we may witness more people identifying with the movement that has been gradually gaining momentum and attempting to enter the “regenerative” space as influencers. It's encouraging to see this recognition of the necessity to move beyond limited, unsustainable practices. Their involvement is indeed welcome; however, it's crucial to discern who the genuine leaders are in regenerative work. In some cases, marketing efforts may overshadow quality and longevity, leading charisma and buzzwords to divert attention from leaders possessing genuine wisdom and extensive experience.

The purpose of this list is to document the current foremost thinkers in regenerative work so that, in the coming decade, those with the greatest expertise can be identified. These individuals are likely to have more robust and proven solutions than those newly entering the conversation. To initiate the process of cataloging key figures in the field, it may help to clarify what constitutes a “leader in regenerative work” or in planning for a post-consumer economy.

"It really isn't about blazing a trail now, or building structure—the systems are melting. Now is the time to be a vessel in which to carry the vital fluidity of possibility." 

Nora Bateson via Twitter, 19 May 2020

"Plan B is shaped by what is needed to save civilization, not by what may currently be considered politically feasible." 

—Lester R. Brown, Earth Policy Institute

Writers Discussing a Post-consumer Economy

The following are separated from the "do good" category mainly by their conviction that we need more than the right party in power or the right laws put in place. There is no fixing "the system," because each set of institutions—government, education, banking, and commerce—is interconnected with and relies on the stability of the others. In a way, they can't allow each other much change or they risk collapsing. We can resolve systemic crisis only with a complete overhaul. In effect, we need to transition to a different type of society. These sect thinkers and organizations that have long recognized this looming crisis and are preparing the way for transition.

These sources are preparing the way by convincing arguments of the current unsustainability, with a perspective that the longer we operate in the current economic model that is reaching trust-eroding levels of inequality, living in carrying-capacity overshoot, the harder we will fall.

The following sources are preparing the way by creating microcosms of sustainable culture and lifestyle within the post-consumer economy. Here you will find seasoned teachers within mature intentional communities.

These sources are less focused on an economic overhaul and more on developing relevant, useful skills that will be relevant for a transition of current business operations into a entirely new societal-operations model.

Leaders in Regenerative-level Social, Emotional, Spiritual/Philosophical Development

These thinkers and institutions are separated from the "do good" category mainly by their willingness to step outside the confines of what mainstream culture considers acceptable. They have all had harsh critics of their unconventional teachings; however, they also have supporters who recognized their value. It is important to acknowledge the crucial work of plant medicine shamans, indigenous traditions, and all spiritual traditions trained through apprenticeship instead of paid workshops, even if they can't be found online.

What if they are all wrong about economic collapse?

Carl Schramm states, as an example of the prevailing opinion, “On the topic of political economy, the prophetic Cassandra genre has a long lineage in American letters. Thinkers such as Thorstein Veblen, John Kenneth Galbraith, and Lester Thurow periodically issue calls for repentance lest the United States careen toward economic collapse. Through it all, of course, the American economy has continued to grow, creating wealth and a standard of living never before experienced—indeed, never before imagined—in human history.”

As compelling as the warning signs may be for some, others perceive the apparent stability of their current circumstances and conclude that there is no cause for alarm. While it is evident from historical records that empires do collapse, it may not happen in your lifetime. The response of many is that it would be a challenging yet noble endeavor to live simply, within a community, in a self-sustainable manner. Despite potentially missing out on some of the thrills of modern life, you would (a) cultivate deeply satisfying relationships absent in Western individualist culture, and (b) embrace a healthy lifestyle that allows for a diverse range of pastimes.

Preparatory Levels

You may be able to identify where your current level for each category. If you haven't made it to level 4, acknowledge that you may still have an important role to play and valuable lessons to learn. Click below to discover positive writers who align with your current position, but also explore the work of others in order to contemplate where you want to be.